Wellington City Council 

Thanks for the speedy turn around on reports- made the world of difference to be able to meet in person to discuss our needs.

Sarah - HS & Wellbeing Advisor, Wellington City Council



Ngai Tahu Property

What do you like most about the product/service?

"Quickly accepted by the users in the field" Typical comments: “It makes sense.”, “It’s easy to follow.”, “I’ll take it from here.” Quick answers from Impac have also helped with user acceptance.


What are the 3 biggest benefits to you or your organisation?

  • The HSMS Framework. We would be stalled on the starting grid without this.
  • Incident logging – This has immediately improved data quality and consistency from all the business units using Risk Manager. The users have commented on this too - they like being led through the process by RM. One user has, off her own bat, backfilled RM with incident data from the last 12 months. Brilliant.
  • Board reporting – Graphs no longer have to be hand-knitted each month. I’ve used the RM Incident KPI report to switch away from rear view mirror reporting.


One last comment – It is a big advantage that RM can be introduced to users 1 module at a time, and almost immediately produce useful results for all concerned.

Mark Cawston - Risk Manager, Ngai Tahu Property


Department of Conservation

"The new safety plan module enables us to build comprehensive job or project safety plans very easily and quickly."