A Tailored Proven Solution - Risk Manager provides a best practice framework that enables flexible configuration to meet your unique requirements
High Value - Our innovative web based single application approach, combined with the latest in IT technology and IMPAC’s safety process design expertise, provides a sophisticated solution that can deliver real value, rather than being just a database for recording purposes.
Improved Management Information - Sourcing and inputting of information is streamlined and a consistent approach is applied, enabling standardisation of processes and high quality reports
Rapid Benefit Realisation - Risk Manager is intuitive to use and staff require very little training to get started. The staff entry screens are kept simple and user friendly to improve functionality and user interaction.
Modular Approach - Pick and choose the modules required to meet your specific needs. In addition, there is great flexibility to add, customise and expand modules over time as business needs change.
A Integrated Business Solution - The underlying structure enables it to be used far more widely than just for health and safety management. This includes action management, risk, environmental and quality management, event reporting, as well as other aspects such as compliance management and governance.
Cost Effective Support - IMPAC provides ongoing technical and safety support services by New Zealand’s leading provider

Action Management Module
There are many safety related processes but their purpose is always the same – to ensure the right actions (or activities) are identified and completed so your hazards and associated risks are effectively managed.
For example:
- If you have a critical risk, you may need an action to implement a control measure or to monitor that the controls are effective
- If you complete an investigation, you need to address the immediate and underlying causes which requires actions to be undertaken
- If you complete an audit, you want actions to ensure any non-conformance are addressed.
Each year you should establish plans to improve your systems, so you want to ensure those proactive actions are completed and result in improved system effectiveness.
The Action Management Module is designed to make this easy for you:
- Actions are easily assigned to staff, business areas and sites
- Automatic reminders are sent when they fall due or overdue
- Repeat action functionality makes it simple for staff to keep on top of recurring tasks
- Powerful push reporting, weekly reminders and prominent positioning on the system dashboards all assist in keeping staff and managers aware of action status, upcoming tasks and overall compliance.
Key benefits include:
- Staff take ownership
- Relevant personnel are notified of key action/s required
- Greater internal visibility
- Comprehensive selection of action management reports
- Increases accountability
- Provides a clear audit trail.

Incidents Module
The Risk Manager Incidents Module enables you to easily capture incidents, near misses and hazards from across your business.
Key benefits:
- The powerful workflow and trigger systems ensure that the information is reported to the correct manager depending on predefined rules
- It ensures managers are kept in the loop on incidents and prompts them for investigations. It will even determine the level of investigation required based on the incident injuries, risk profile or area of business
- Risk Manager guides your staff through the investigation process using best practice, to determine causation effects, corrective actions and incident learnings
- Approved corrective actions are seamlessly entered into the Actions Module to provide a clear audit trail
- The ability to add photos in relation to incidents to improve the understanding of what has occurred
- The integration to other modules enable powerful analysis of the relationship between hazards, risks, obligations, contractors, or employees
- Full compliance with ACC injury and WorkSafe NZ notifiable event reporting requirements allow your team to complete your regulatory reporting with ease.
Other features:
- You can also build custom forms that are triggered by incident categories or investigation types so you collect very detailed relevant information for each incident type and provide richer data for reporting
- Easy online reporting and investigation of incidents
- Flexible rules to ensure people who need to be informed of the incident are notified immediately
- Improved awareness and response times
- Ability to use for all events and incidents, not just safety related
- Best practice approach to investigation causation analysis
- Generate causation summary graphs, frequency rate reports and standard reports for meetings and external agencies such as WorkSafe NZ

Hazard and Risk Module
The Hazard and Risk Module enables you to:
- Create and maintain your Hazard and associated risks register to ensure you understand your risks and the required control measures (as required under current legislation)
- Track the implementation of control measures, and receive automatic notifications for review dates.
- Integration with the incident module allows powerful analysis to determine which hazards are causing issues. Hazards and controls and can “picked” for use in safety plans.
- Demonstrate compliance with the Health and Safety at Work Act (2015)
Key features:
- Online recording of hazards and tracking of actions to ensure control measures are actioned
- Production of company and site hazard registers and reports
- Improved quality of risk assessments with ability to search for related incidents
- Information collated and centrally stored
- Auto review reminders to keep controls current and effective

Sensitive Events Module
Enable a workplace culture free from bullying, harassment, and discrimination.
Bullying, harassment, and discrimination should never be tolerated in a workplace. As an employer, it's your responsibility to provide an environment that's free from this inappropriate behaviour.
An essential part of working toward a workplace culture that is positive and respectful is providing employees with the opportunity to have a voice, even under the most sensitive of circumstances. Our new Sensitive Events Module provides a platform for employees to easily and confidentially report inappropriate behaviour they may be subjected to or have observed and provide leaders with a clear process to respond.
Features of the module include:
- Secure, customised forms for employees to confidentially report bullying, harassment, discrimination, or psychological distress
- Guidance on best practice processes (following a reported incident) with ability to customise approach to meet internal requirements
- Secure, customised notification rules to alert relevant personnel that a form has been lodged
- Secure records depository where reports, investigation processes, and findings can be stored
- Action management process to ensure activities are completed in a timely manner
- Summary indicator reporting to enable authorised personnel to monitor report numbers, type, and actions
- Ability for employees to complete the forms on any mobile device / computer
Key benefits include:
- Enhanced communication with employees
- Increased confidence with the process – for both employees and management
- Greater transparency of issues through all management levels
- Encouraged culture of respect and accountability

Safety Plans Module
Quickly develop a safety plan for a particular project, work activity or tender proposal. Pick hazards from the register and produce a plan to take to toolbox talks for team member to sign off. Improve your ability to win proposals and tender by demonstrating comprehensive Health and Safety procedures.
- Build safety plans for work that needs to be completed
- Save time with building plans with the “hazard picker”
- Add “plan specific local controls” to ensure plans meet the specific requirements of the job
- Regular reminders to complete the actions in the plan
- Improve success of proposals and tenders

Contractor Management Module
Ensure your requirements as a PCBU to your wider contractor workers is met by implementing our contractor accreditation and management processes.
Risk Manager's Contractor Management Module:
Tracks pre-qualifications,
Monitors contractor’s insurance status,
Has site specific safety plans,
Accommodates induction records and the contractor’s employee licences.
This module also enables the recording of contractor audits, meetings, spot checks and events and will create monthly management reports and send reminder reports to contractors:
Highlighting their staff training needs
Reminding them of insurance dates if any requirements require renewal
View our Contractor Solutions presentation to find out more about Impac's contractor management solutions.

Training and Competency
Let Risk Manager look after all your training records:
Create courses, track staff attendance and get up to date reporting and needs analysis for your staff.
Reporting shows training requirements, overdue refreshers and number of courses attended.
Build competency for tasks, machine operations etc and link licenses, training courses and assessments to keep on top of your business training needs.
Key benefits:
Easy management of training records, courses, occupational licences and competencies
Renewal dates of training courses and dates can be monitored and refresher reminder reports sent to the required personnel
Allows identification of required competencies and tracking of progress against requirements
Full range of training competency reports and matrixes
Easy to Employees maintain competency
Monitor competency levels and important refresher training dates

Complete your inductions and simple safety updates online, by uploading these into Risk Manager. The system allows you to test understanding of the eLearning through a questionnaire, with the records all auto recorded in the training module.

Audit Module
The Risk Manager Audit Module enables you to:
- Build operational audits
- Record audit results
- Generate summary reports
- Easily attach actions to audits to ensure non-conformances are addressed
- Manage audit schedules
- Produce audit non-conformance and action reports
- Build your own audit tools that staff can complete on-line
If you don’t have time, IMPAC can build audits for you or you can choose from our comprehensive range of pre-built audits.

Obligations Module
Enter your Environmental consents, permits and other obligations into Risk Manager and identify the actions that need to be performed. Risk Manager will then send out notifications, reminders for renewals and produce compliance summary reports. Tight integration with the incident module allows issues to be logged against Obligations to quickly identify and manage compliance.
- Record all environmental obligations, consents and conditions
- Demonstrate compliance to third party auditors
- Monitor environmental conformance
- Produce management and KPI reports