Forums strategic plan

29 May, 2015  |  News

The Business Leaders’ Health and Safety Forum has developed five key strategies to see it through to 2017. The strategies are:

  • Create an environment where chief executive safety leadership is effective and valued.
  • Influence other leaders and leverage the Forum’s reach via collaboration.
  • Connect chief executives so they spark off each other.
  • Hold itself to account for the promises it makes.
  • Build a movement of passionate, visible and active safety leaders.

The Forum’s Strategic Plan 2015-2017 notes this is the start of a new phase, four years after the Forum was founded. Now that the Forum is well established and sustainable it has the “opportunity to leverage this position, to dramatically extend our influence and alphat”.


The Forum has also released its Benchmarking Report for 2014, which shows the results achieved by 76 members covering 89 companies and 145 million hours worked by employees. Overall the figures show a 14% drop in the TRIFR compared to the year before, at a rate of 3.9 per 200,000 working hours. The all-injury frequency rate fell by 25%, while the severe injury rate fell by 35%.

Twenty-five of the participating organisations also reported data for their contractors. The report’s authors note with some surprise that the contractors’ TRIFR of 2.76 was better than that of the same companies’ employees (3.93), and their LTIFR rate was also slightly better. However contractors reported more first-aid cases.


The report questions the validity of the benchmarking data relating to restricted work injuries, noting that there were 500% more lost-time injuries reported than restricted work injuries, while it would expect less serious injuries to occur more frequently. “Members might want to clarify if these injury types are being correctly recorded by their organisation,” the report concludes.

Source Alert24 29/5/15