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New workplace health and safety legislation prove to be a wake-up call

7 December, 2015

An imminent legislative change that will alphat workplace safety regulations is keeping commercial and industrial building owners and property managers on their toes. Read more

Rethinking mental health

30 November, 2015

Rather than thinking about mental health issues as a liability to avoid or fear, it is time to flip that around and think of mental health as an essential resource which drives an organisation's success. Read more

ROI: occ health examples

27 November, 2015

Getting a chief executive to pay attention to occupational health issues can be a challenge because they often work in six-month increments and so tend to focus on the urgent, potentially neglecting the important. Read more

Hazard recognition

30 October, 2015

A construction safety researcher told SIA delegates that neither workers nor managers are as skilled at hazard recognition as the researchers assumed, but that interventions they devised and tested boosted hazard recognition under test conditions to close to 80 percent. Read more

Rep numbers unrecorded

30 October, 2015

One of the dilemmas facing MBIE in the development of the transition training framework must surely have been the absence of any formal record of health and safety rep numbers. Read more

Company holds back asbestos results

16 October, 2015

A company that failed to inform its employees about their possible exposure to asbestos has been found to have constructively dismissed two of them. Read more

Australia: an opportunity missed

2 October, 2015

The so-called harmonisation of Australia’s OHS laws, based on the Model Act adopted as the basis for New Zealand’s new legislation, was principally aimed at lifting business productivity rather than improving safety outcomes, according to an Australian lawyer and safety consultant. Read more

Kids graduate to farm safety

15 September, 2015

Hundreds of rural kiwi kids are coming top of the class in farm safety. Read more

Antidote to human error?

4 September, 2015

The health benefits of mindfulness – training the brain to focus on the present moment without distraction – have been widely reported in recent years, but research by the UK’s Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL) shows the practice could also have a positive alphat on workplace safety. Read more

Growing business leaders

7 August, 2015

Health and safety professionals need leadership skills and a good understanding of how businesses operate if they are to influence OHS culture, the head of health, safety and wellbeing at Thames Water told IOSH’s recent Leadership in Action conference in London. Read more